Welcome to smart-id.at!
We are an independent consulting and development company in the fields of smart cards, RFID and IT- security focusing on
- Technology consulting, work out concepts and solutions, tenders, specifications, patents and consulting in standard- and security matters
- Training and continuing education
- Development of smart card operating systems, smart card solutions and specialized software for smart card and the initialization and personalization of them
- IT-security: work out security concepts and solutions, security policies and practice statements, consulting in key-management, standards etc.
- Biometrics, cryptography and steganography: technology consulting, work out concepts, choice of methods/products/solutions, consulting in standards and patents etc.
- Research activities
Benefit from our know-how and our market survey and profit from our experiences and independence. High expertise and independence are very important for our company. With these attributes we are in position to consult at customer´s option in an optimal way.
Dr. Ernst Piller
Smart-ID Ltd.